
The basic camping equipment is the thing that each and every camper alike would need to carry with them on their back. This equipment would be crucial to ensure both comfort and safety of the camper. To this end, the basic camping equipment includes cooking supplies, sleeping gear, clothes, water storage containers, and methods of carrying these things like backpacks or duffel bags.
The simplest way to think about the basic camping gear is as a mix between a survival kit and a backpack. Both packs have important items that will help keep you alive in extreme conditions let alone just during travel days. Although survival gear and camping gear might not sound alike they actually share a lot of common components. camping equipment
Types of the basic camping equipment
1. Camping tents
A camping tent is a lightweight, compact shelter that is typically used for outdoor camping or as an emergency shelter. Most tents are free-standing and made of light fabric or waterproof nylon. They may also include poles for ease of setup and stability. Several distinct styles of tents exist, including basic two-person shelters, large family tents with separate rooms, backpacking tents that are less than 3 pounds (1.3 kg) in weight with good ventilation at the expense of extra roominess. Checkout our list of the best camping tents.
2. Camping chair
This is what most people think of as camping equipment. The best options are those that fold up into something you can carry around without being bulky or heavy. If you’re going to be camping for a few days, then this might not be the most important piece of equipment. But if you’re camping for a few nights, then it’s essential. For any trip longer than one night, the more comfortable you are when sleeping, the better out-of-doors experience you’re likely to have. It all depends on your body shape but generally speaking your camp chair should be small in size (no more than 60 Liters). The smaller it is, the less campfire organizing work is required and the more comfortable it will be when not leaned against something or making you feel suffocated. Check out this review of the most top camping chairs on the market today to find out which one is right for you
3. Clothing and footwear
The most important thing about camping clothing is finding clothing that will be able to withstand the harsh conditions of the wilderness without getting ruined or smelling disgusting while doing so. There are different types of clothing and footwear that may be necessary on a camping adventure. Sleeping in your camping clothing is far from comfortable. So it is important that you bring along sleepwear that will help to keep you comfortable and warm throughout the night.
Moreover, jackets will be most important at night in cold weather conditions. There are a variety of jackets available for purchase that will provide the kind of warmth and protection that campers need while out in the wilderness.
Regarding footwear, hiking boots are an essential piece of gear for any camper, especially if they are planning on being outside during their time at camp. They can help to protect your feet from bruises and small wounds.
4. Sleeping bag
For sleeping, you’ll need a sleeping pad. Air mattresses are relatively comfortable but they take more work so they’re not the best option unless you’re indoors and have a washing station to clean them afterward. For warmer weather, there is no downside to an air mattress as it’s more comfortable than a closed-cell foam pad which will chill you to the bone in cold weather. Check out this review which has some different options available in the market today
5. Camping Stove
This is all about preference, for most people, they will want a stove that can boil water and cook food. I think it’s essential to have this functionality for any camping trip. If you can plan ahead, maybe go for a stove that has two burners which are perfect if you’re cooking more than one meal at once. Otherwise, it’s probably fine to get one with only one burner. If your camping area is particularly dry or if you’re planning on cooking some freeze-dried food then the fire pit is useful as it will dry some of your food out (exposing some bacteria but not too much). If you do this, then you’ll also need a stove to heat water (so it’s better to get one with multiple burners). Make sure you have enough fuel for the fire pit. Most of the cheaper ones use small propane canisters which are more expensive but these are not as effective at heating water as traditional camping stoves which are more fuel-efficient.
6. Camping cookware
Campers can choose among several different types of pots and pans for their camping cookware set. Aluminum pots are light, easily heated, but prone to melting if accidentally put in contact with direct flames or coals. Cast-iron pots are durable, have a good heat conductor, and can even stand up to acidic foods. Stainless steel pots are also a good option but tend to be heavier than cast iron. Non-stick camping cookware is a relatively new type of cookware that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It’s easier to clean and lessens or even eliminates the need for oil or grease when cooking eggs or pancakes
Problems with larger cooking pieces include the fact that they take up much room as well as may not fit into smaller camping stoves (such as those found on Jamboree stoves). Larger pieces of equipment will also take a longer time to cook food because of their size and design. This review has different cookware to choose from depending on what you have planned for your trip
7. Water purifiers
Water purifiers are useful if camping in an area that has raw water. There are many types of water filters on the market, some requiring batteries and others with a hand pump. The most important thing about buying is to ensure the filter has compatible parts for your country. For example, if you’re using USA standard connectors attachments, then make sure your filter is compatible with USA standards. If you’re not sure, buy a multi-use filter that will have different connectors attachments depending on the country you are in.
8. First aid kit
You can get all of these lotions and potions from your local corner store but it’s much more convenient to have them all in one place. For any outdoor type activity, it’s best to have at least some sort of first aid kit. This is because accidents always happen, so having the right equipment gives you peace of mind. I think it’s important to have sterile wound dressings so that if someone gets an infection, they don’t keep getting infections every few days even if treated quickly because they don’t use sterile wound dressings.
There are so many options in the market when it comes to first aid kits. Some are military-grade and some are very lightweight. Of course, you can buy the most expensive one you can find, because it will be your last resort if something happens and you need to fix someone’s wounds immediately. For lightweight backpacking, you can get a lighter one without wasting too much money.
This is an important one as it will save your life if an accident occurs and at least some of the contents must be sterile (like disinfecting wipes and wound dressings)
9. Headlamps
Clip-on headlamps are useful for lighting up your path of travel at night without being too bright so that others won’t be scared off of you. You can also buy more useful things like a flashlight, a multi-tool, and a knife if you prefer.
10. Bug spray
Bug spray will keep away all of those nasty bugs that might be around your tent at night. If you’re camping in an area with lots of flies, then you’ll want to get some fire starter sticks (long and thin) that will also help start a fire and keep the bugs away.
We have come at the end of the 10 essentials for camping which are must have for camping enthusiasts.